Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Omg! Thomas Cook needs to up their game because we just planned and carried out  the best day tour of Helsinki! #bestdayever #tourguides.

We started the day with an early breakfast in the youth hostel after having a nice sleep. Then we left to go to the ferry. Before boarding the ferry, we had free time to explore the port where we got hot chicken wing and ketchup crisps! #quirky. We then boarded the ferry where we all gathered and set up base.

A lot of us went to explore the ferry, looking in the shops and going out on deck. We then all began to gather back at base where a band on board were playing traditional Estonian music. We saw this as a great opportunity to show off our dance moves to the rest of the ferry! #doingthehokeykokey #movesonpoint. After all this excitement on board the two hour journey, we finally arrived in Finland.

This was where we took over the trip and started our exhilarating tour of Helsinki! #youngleaders #takeover. We map read our way to our first destination,which was an old market town in the centre of Helsinki. This was a lovely open area, where we were able to find a variety of food and drinks as well as looking around at the local stalls where we were able to pick up a few souvenirs. This marketplace over looked the harbour and the weather was perfect for the occasion. After we had lunch, we took a short walk up to the Helsinki Cathedral where we sat inside and listen to a beautiful quartet and two amazing opera singers as well as soaking in our surroundings of the stunning architecture. #momentstoremember!

We then took a walk down to the museum whilst passing a defence forces festival where they were singing English songs on a large stage and showcasing all the tanks and artillery they use #englishmusic #singsong. We then arrived at the Helsinki museum where we had a chance to explore. They had a really cool interactive virtual reality time machine and a children's town as well as the usual exhibit. You can probably guess where the majority of us all went! #we'restillkids. Some of us found a dressing up area and puppet show where we made the most of the Old fashioned clothes and toys! And then we went upstairs and found an old fashioned school where we used the old white board to mark where we had been by signing our names from the 1st Chislehurst guides and senior section. #wewerethere

After all the fun we had in the museum, we headed off to find some dinner. We started walking around trying to find a restaurant to accommodate all 21 of us , which is harder than you could imagine. #struggles But of course, being a friendly, cheerful and loud group of young teens, we made the most of this time by singing to our hearts content. #guidesongs #highschoolmusical #thegreatestshowman! We then headed back to the port via tram 6 where we found somewhere to eat. #burgersandchips #ice-cream! #hyper

After our very exciting day we had to head home, so of to the ferry we went, where we looked around the ferry and slept; well kind of slept #teachinghelenthepineapple #notreallytired! This was a perfect way to bring out day to an end while sailing along the water watching the sun being to set and stargazing! We really enjoyed being able to lead the guides to explore a country which was even new to us and gain valuable skills of leadership! #wedidn'tgetlost #professionals! Can't wait to see what the rest of the trip has in store for us!

#written #by #Maddy #and #Amy

#blizzardseniorsection #seniorsection #estonia2k18 #momentstoremember


  1. Another fantastic day!
    Loved reading the blog - The Hokey Cokey/singing! Brilliant #laughed
    You all sound so happy and full of fun.
    Have another wonderful day girls xx

  2. What a great day! Packing some much fun into one day.i bet Helsinki had never seen anything like the 1st Chislehurst. Have a wonderful Thursday

  3. Love seeing the blog and photos...have a wonderful day tomorrow ! Love Ella’s family xx
